Breaking. But. No

This is a letter to humankind

I know nothing can ever be not political but try to read this with your heart.

A letter to humankind:

I feel like I am breaking. I feel like we are breaking. Breaking alone. Breaking all together. Breaking up the world. Breaking ourselves, our friendships, our planet.

We are all exhausted in some way or another, I believe. Maybe because we broke it. All of it. And we know it, but are caught up in so much that we don’t know where to start and how to fix what, when and where.

Everything is so complicated. But the truth is, it is not. Look at the heart. I feel like we are breaking, but I refuse to believe that humankind is bad, that we will vanish like dinosaurs soon – however you want to put it – maybe our time is up..

BUT look at the heart, look at all the small small small small things. At the letter from a friend that finds you when you lose hope. At the 1000 women who rise up in strength after being brutally harassed. Think about just one person who makes you believe and not lose hope.

2023 was a hell of a year and a ride, and I told you I feel like we are breaking, but I know you will show me the opposite. I am broken, but I refuse to go on like this in 2024. I will heal, you will heal and we will heal our world. Bad, negative, cruel, assaulting stuff will always be here, but we will be there to show it to fuck off. I said, try to look at the heart. The world is not bad. It just is not. Light is everywhere, you just need to not look away. Even when you feel like broken – the kind of broken where one side of you cheers Israel and another side mourns Palestine – there are no freaking sides. This is easy to forget and hard to remember. Sometimes. In all of this Breaking. THE ONLY SIDE THERE IS IS HUMANITY. And even if someone uses words that you think are not adapted, or you break again, because you think you’ll lose dear friends amidst conflicts, politics and wars. Look at the heart. Look closely. Look at the deeds. Try to imagine what it would be like if you stood face to face instead of reading a shitty WhatsApp. Most probably you would just hug each other and everything would be alright. I am going to look at the heart in 2024 and only at the heart. I think we will go stronger than ever together. Because we are breaking, but after rock bottom, usually, it will be okay. Even breaking has an end. And I know you know the core is good. To sum my letter up. I feel like we are breaking – and I am sure you feel it, too – but show me the opposite. Make me see it is not true.

I feel like I am breaking, but I refuse to break.

Don’t get me wrong, it is not easy those days.

I see red hair, and I am thinking of the Bibas Family

I hear fireworks and think of my friends in the Middle East

Everything seems to be triggering some kind of pain in those days

Words need to be chosen more wisely than ever before, it feels


to make everything right

each step and every day

and still somewhere inside me there is a small flame giving me the warmth and strength

I so badly need in those days.

I’ll end this year in gratitude. Calmly, with parts of me everywhere in the world. With people who feel alike, with people I got to hug this year and people I could not hug this year, but with the warm feeling of knowing that no matter what, we will always be there for each other, for good. And continue in this spirit.

I love humanity and end this year with love.

I feel like I am breaking. But I refuse to break.

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